Health Surveillance


Surveillance Application is a national scale application to accommodate the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the health unit underneath needs in terms of early detection of various diseases and also laboratory tests in all Indonesia areas. The application can be adjusted according to user needs.

1. All Level login Access

2. Custom Dashboard

3. Custom Report

4. Custom Field

5. Distribution Map


-      SIPTM Application (Sistem Informasi Penyakit Tidak Menular)

-      SILANTOR Application (Sistem Informasi Tular Vektor dan Zoonotik)

-      SIJALAK Application (Sistem Jejaring Nasional Laboratorium Kesehatan)

-      Thalasemia Application (Sistem Informasi Penyakit Thalasemia)

-      SIHA 2.0 Application (Sistem Informasi HIV-AIDS 2.0)

-    SIPUS IRTP (Sistem Informasi Sertifikasi Rumah Tangga Pangan)

Implementation: Kementerian Kesehatan RI Direktorat P2PTM, P2PTVZ, P2PML, Farmalkes, Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan Jakarta


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