Menjadi Perusahaan yang profesional dan terkemuka dibidang consultant management Kesehatan, industri alat Kesehatan, teknologi informasi dan Pendidikan pelatihan
1. Mengutamakan kualitas produk dan layanan 2. Berupaya memberikan hasil produk/pelayanan yang bernilai tinggi bagi para stag holder 3. Menjalin kolaborasi/kemitraan dan jejaring/networking untuk tumbuh dan berkembang
We provide the best services from best practices that we have done for years.
We present a technology solution for health telemedicine and teleradiology.
Kami memberikan produk kesehatan yang solutif untuk kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia.
Bagi kami tidaklah ada superman dalam setiap pengerjaan, Kami wujudkan sebagai Zamasco superteam (Zuperteam)
Already more than 100 applications and more than 100,000 users who have used our application
We have built more than 10 National Scale applications for both government and private, in the scope of NATIONAL users.
Our various platforms are integrated to meet the needs and the best results for customers.
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Healthcare Management Consultant
Chief Finance Officer
Chief Operation Officer
Chief Technology Officer